All of the items will be shipped from our warehouse in China. Packages are generally dispatched within 2 working days after receipt of payment. Shipping fees include handling and packing fees as well as postage costs. Handling fees are fixed, whereas transport fees vary according to total weight of the shipment. The shipping fees doesn't include customs duties, taxes, brokerage and all other international fees.
When there is any items in a shipment is not in stock. The shipment will be on hold until all of the items in the shipment are available.
We know that you will be pleased with your purchases from TFs Express. However, there may be occasions when you will need to return items to us.
If any items were damaged in transit, we ask that you report it to us within 7 working days. If the items are visibly damaged on receipt, it must be signed the carrier's delivery note accordingly. Items should be returned in their original packaging complete with all accessories and documentation. Once received back into our warehouse, we'll issue a replacement or full refund that includes the original shipping cost to you via your original payment method, you will be liable for the return carriage.
If your items are faulty on arrival, you have 14 calendar days in which to inform us of the fault. Items should be returned in their original packaging complete with all accessories and documentation. Once we have verified the fault, we'll issue a replacement or full refund that excludes the original shipping cost to you via your original payment method, you will be liable for the return carriage. We check returned items, and if a returned item is found not to be faulty we will return the item to you, in this instance you will be liable for the return carriage. If the faulty can be fixed by the replacement parts, but you still want to return the entire item, you will be liable for any relevant shipping cost. Items cannot be returned after it has been used/played.
If you have simply changed your mind about any item ordered and you wish to return it, then in line with the Distance Selling Regulations (DSR) you can do so provided you inform us of your decision within 14 days of receipt of the item. The item must not be used and must be 'as new' when returned to us. Once you've informed us that you wish to return goods under the DSR, you have 28 calendar days to do so, at your own expense. Once the item is received, we'll issue a full refund (the original shipping cost is not included) for the product to your original payment method. If the item has been opened, there is 10%~50% of the selling price will be charged based on the item condition when it gets returned.
Please return the item(s) to the following address and quote your order number with your return(s) to fast return procedure.
TFs Express
Mr. Yang
6201, Building No.6
No.567 Xuanqiu Road
Contact number: 008618516652827
You are allowed to change your delivery address 2 working days before the order is dispatched. We only accept the change request by email. Please submit your request by the following steps:
We will contact you to confirm the change after the request is resolved.
Please submit your replacement/missing part(s) request to by the following instruction:
This policy is available within 14 calendar days after the item is delivered. The replacement/missing part(s) will be shipped with your next available shipment. If you want us to send the parts alone, you will be liable for the carriage and any relevant shipping cost.